Jeremiah: Great Is Your Faithfulness | Waverly Church of Christ Jeremiah: Great Is Your Faithfulness | Waverly Church of Christ

September 8, 2019

Jeremiah: Great Is Your Faithfulness

Passage: Lamentations 3:22-24
Service Type:

Tonight, I would like for us to look at the small book in the Old Testament known as Lamentations. Written by the prophet Jeremiah, its five chapters are five funeral laments in which Jeremiah grieves over the fate of Jerusalem because of her sin. Jeremiah is often referred to as the Weeping Prophet and in this book we see why.

Despite his trials and his troubles, Jeremiah had gotten a good grasp on the reality of just Who God is! He knew that whether things went well, or whether everything fell apart, God would still be God, and that God would be eternally faithful to His people. Jeremiah was still able to find hope in a hopeless situation because he believed in the faithfulness of His great God.

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