If the End Was the Beginning | Waverly Church of Christ If the End Was the Beginning | Waverly Church of Christ

May 19, 2019

If the End Was the Beginning

Passage: Mark 8:38
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54hajP-EOuA?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

What if you were to see the end first? Have you ever read a book and wanted to know how the end happens before it does? Or watched a movie and in the end everything just falls into place all the while you were wondering how it will end?

We have the Word of God that tells us today how and what to expect in the end of our lives here in this world. But as the Word was being written, those before us who lived while our Savior lived in this world in the flesh had no idea exactly how His death, burial, and resurrection would happen and what effect it would have on their lives and our's
many, many years later.

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