How Good Are You at Forgiving Others? | Waverly Church of Christ How Good Are You at Forgiving Others? | Waverly Church of Christ

July 23, 2017

How Good Are You at Forgiving Others?

Passage: Matthew 18:23-35
Service Type:

Jesus began the parable by telling us that a certain king decided one day “to settle accounts with his servants” (v. 23)

One particular servant is brought to the king who owed him 10,000 talents.

This servant was “brought” to the king — the implication is that he was forced to come.

No doubt, it was because of the great sum which he owed the king — 10,000 talents.

1) The tax levied on the people of Palestine for an entire year was only 800 talents — this man owed more than 12 times that amount.

2) One talent was the equivalent of 6,000 denarii — a denarius was the wage of a common laborer for one full day of work.

3) This servant owed the king 60,000,000 denarii — 15 years ago this amount was calculated to be “at least 2.5 billion dollars”

4) Jesus point is that it was more than the man could possibly repay in his lifetime.

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