Honoring God With Our Worship
This morning I want you to go back with me almost three thousand years to the city of Jerusalem. Solomon, the son of David, is king and the temple which He built to the Lord stands on Mt. Zion in all its glory. You and your family are Israelites who have come to Jerusalem for one of the great feast days. As you near the temple, you suddenly hear a chorus of men, perhaps the sons of Korah or the sons of Asaph, begin sing as with one voice: "Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing." The words they sing strike a cord within you, they resonate within your heart. You are being called to join in this thanksgiving to the One who is above all others. Later, after the feast is over, as you and your family start your journey home, this hymn is fixed in your mind, you are a different person because of the worship in which you have taken part. Today, as we examine this psalm, I hope that each of us will be convinced of the power that our worship has to draw others to the One Who is Sovereign above all. There are two things which the psalmist shares with us in this psalm: a. In verses 1,2 & 4 we find the exhortation to thanksgiving. b. In verses 3 & 5, he reveals to us the motivation behind our thanksgiving.