Good Disciples Do Good
With respect to doing good, attitudes within the body of Christ vary from member to member and from one subgroup to another. Everyone seems to understand that we all should be actively involved in doing good, but [the heart condition of some members] may not be conducive to doing good as fully as the Scriptures require. Accordingly, we ask, what spiritual principles, when adopted, will motivate us to be active in the doing of good? In answer to this timely question, we submit the following biblical principles. Do good to those who hate you (Luke 6:27). While [you] have opportunity…do good to all people (Galatians 6:10). Paul charged Timothy to “instruct [the rich] to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share” (1 Timothy 6:18 and 19). If you see good that needs to be done and you are not able (meaning lacking in strength, skill, resources, qualifications, or knowledge) let us know, so we can equip you or assist you. Do not assume we know or accuse us of overlooking. The best method of approach is to always ask questions first. Lacking in knowledge, lacking in opportunity—time or availability, or lacking in resources is not equal to overlooking. Doing good is everyone’s responsibility. The principles shared this morning ought to motivate believers to do good. Good disciples do good.