Give To God What Is God’s | Waverly Church of Christ Give To God What Is God’s | Waverly Church of Christ

Give To God What Is God’s
October 20, 2024

Give To God What Is God’s

Passage: Luke 20:19-26
Service Type:

Have you ever borrowed anything from someone? Perhaps a car, a tool, a book, a phone, or any of a host of things. You knew when that person, whoever it might have been, loaned it to you that you were going to utilize it for a while and then return it. You also knew that it was not yours, but theirs. This morning I would like for you to consider the question, “What do I have that belongs to God?” The longer you think about it, the more you realize how extensive your answer will be. This morning, Luke shares with us an encounter which Jesus has during the last few days prior to His crucifixion which addresses this issue. As we work through these events, it is important  that each of us think about how Jesus’ answer applies to ourselves.

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