Food For Your Soul
Delicious meals have been served out of our Enrichment Center to hungry workers and displaced friends and neighbors in our community. Good food is always a welcome sight to a hungry body, but what do you give a hungry soul? It isn’t enough to feed our physical bodies, we must also feed our souls. Hungry souls need to be fed with God’s Word. This book, which you and I know as the Bible, is like no other book ever written. It is truly a supernatural book because it contains the very words of God which speak to our lives. Regardless of who you are, young or old, God’s speaks to your life, just as if it were written exclusively for you.
Becoming a Christian, Being the Hands of Jesus, Comfort To Your Soul, Community, Does Your Soul Need Strengthening, Eternal, Evangelism, Food For Your Soul, Go Into All The World, God Is Mighty, God's Word Is Righteous, God's Word Is True, Helping Others, Jesus Christ, Jesus Said to Follow Him, Meditate On It, Read It, Salvation, Sharing the Gospel, Soul Food, Strength To Your Soul, The Work of the Church, We Are Working Together with God, Working For God