Following Our Shepherds | Waverly Church of Christ Following Our Shepherds | Waverly Church of Christ

Following Our Shepherds
May 8, 2022

Following Our Shepherds

Passage: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:12-13, HEBREWS 13:7-17
Service Type:

Our Elders (Shepherds) have a tremendous responsibility. They are not perfect men, but they are doing the best they know how to lead us in the direction they believe God wants us to go. Perhaps you have heard this statement, “The times, they are a changing.” I don’t know who is responsible for speaking these words, but they are filled with truth. We live in a day and age when there is an overemphasis on individual rights and powers. One of the results of such a mind-set is disrespect for authority of any kind. However, God has placed some as leaders within His church. The leadership style among the disciples and those in our Lord’s church was to be different.

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