Don’t Miss The Point
The Pharisees of Jesus' day knew the Law which God had given to His people through Moses over 1,400 years earlier.
What they may have had questions about, their scribes, who were constantly studying the law, could thoroughly explain.
In their minds this young upstart, known as Jesus of Nazareth, who was going around Galilee teaching in the various synagogues was uneducated.
There was nothing He could teach them which they didn’t already know.
If anything, He needed to learn from them who He should eat with and the importance of fasting.
Besides, what He allowed His disciples to do this time was a fragrant violation of the law of the Sabbath.
The problem was that they missed the main point.
This morning, let us look at what caused them to miss the main point and examine our own lives to make sure that we are not in danger of doing the same.