Commitment is a Great Thing! | Waverly Church of Christ Commitment is a Great Thing! | Waverly Church of Christ

Commitment is a Great Thing!
June 30, 2024

Commitment is a Great Thing!

Passage: 2 Timothy 1:12
Service Type:

The apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:12, “For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted (or committed) to Him until that day.” Because of his calling to be an apostle, a preacher, and a teacher of the Gentiles, Paul was suffering as a prisoner. Despite everything, Paul was not ashamed of the gospel or being in prison for the preaching of the gospel, for he knew the one in whom he trusted.  Paul was confident, determined, and courageous because of the close relationship he had with Christ. He trusted Christ, being convinced that Christ is able to guard closely what deposit Paul made to Christ. Paul gave, committed, and entrusted his life, his converts, and/or his work to Christ for the cause of Christ. What are we to commit to Christ?

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