Christians: An Apologetic People | Waverly Church of Christ Christians: An Apologetic People | Waverly Church of Christ

February 2, 2014

Christians: An Apologetic People

Passage: 1 Peter 3:14-17
Service Type:

Think back to the time that you obeyed the gospel of Christ. Why did you choose to become a Christian? What reason or reasons were there for you to take this step in your life? Now fast-forward to today. If someone were to ask you concerning your salvation how would you respond?

Peter tells us we are to always be ready to explain the reason for the hope we have. The things which he has to say to us are of great value because we seek to defend our hope, a hope which many in the world do not yet know. Our goal is to so prick the conscience of those who revile us that a soul might be won. Can you defend your hope? Is it steadfast and sure?

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