Certainties of the Christian Faith | Waverly Church of Christ Certainties of the Christian Faith | Waverly Church of Christ

October 27, 2013

Certainties of the Christian Faith

Passage: 1 John 5:18-21
Service Type:

In the last section of John's epistle, we find him summarizing three facts or "certainties" that his readers should have learned (1 John 5:18-21). These "Three Certainties of the Christian Faith" relate to sin, the evil one, and the truth concerning fellowship with God and Jesus Christ. Each of these "certainties" is introduced by the words "we know", and as we consider these three facts we shall begin each section in the same way.

We will find out in this lesson that the "we know" in Johns epistle are understood in these ways; The relationship between those born of God and Sin, The difference between us and the World, and learn of the true God and Eternal life.

May the first epistle of John always serve to remind of these certainties, and may the last verse alway remind us of the need for diligence.

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