Be a Difference Maker for Christ | Waverly Church of Christ Be a Difference Maker for Christ | Waverly Church of Christ

Be a Difference Maker for Christ
July 18, 2021

Be a Difference Maker for Christ

Passage: Matthew 5:13-16
Service Type:

More and more people are calling for the church to somehow reclaim its place at the helm of societal change. Change begins with you. Change begins with each one of us. To make a difference for Christ, connect with God—the difference maker, through His Son by believing in them (Romans 10:17), repenting of sins (Acts 17:30), confessing Jesus as God’s Son (Matthew 10:32), and being baptized into Christ (Mark 16:16). Live faithful to God and your commitment to Him, letting God work in you, to change you and through you to change others.  How can we best be the hands of Jesus in our community? Is there something we can do that will enhance our influence on our community? What will make a difference?

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