Are You Sowing The Seed Of The Kingdom?
I don’t know how many of you grew up working on a farm. Neither do I know how many of you have planted and tended a garden. But, if you have done either of these, then you know the work that is involved. In Mark 4, Jesus tells of a sower who went out to sow seed. In the relating of this parable, He compares the various types of soil in which the seed is sown to the hearts of different individuals. His point in this parable is that the quality of each heart determines the outcome of the seed sown within — the seed being the Word of God. I would like for us to review what Jesus has to say about this at the beginning of our lesson this morning. After this I would like for us to consider two other things which play a part in the outcome of the harvest:
a. The quality of the seed.
b. The dedication of the sower.
Then I would like for each of us to ask ourselves, “What part do I play in the final outcome?” I say this because it is vitally important that each of us do all that we can to insure an abundant harvest in our Lord’s kingdom.