An Unfinished Story | Waverly Church of Christ An Unfinished Story | Waverly Church of Christ

An Unfinished Story
May 12, 2021

An Unfinished Story

Passage: John 7:53-8:11
Service Type:

Have you ever read a story which lacked an ending, one which left you hanging? The story which we find in John 7:53-8:11 is one such story. It is another story about the scribes and Pharisees attempt to trap and discredit Jesus. Within it, however, is the story I want you to notice. It is a story about a woman whose shame is exposed for all to see. To some she is nothing more than a pawn, a tool to be used. To Jesus, she is far more. Let’s look at this story tonight and see what it is that God wants us to learn.

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