A Worthy New Year’s Resolution
Before each of us here today is a new year of possibility and opportunity. Should the Lord tarry his coming and we live to see January 1, 2025, we each have . . .
a. 12 months
b. 52 weeks
c. 8,760 hours
d. 525,600 minutes
e. 31,536,000 seconds before us.
The question for each of us this morning is what will you do with all that time? The beginning of a new year is typically the time when people make resolutions. I don’t know how many of you will make resolutions this year. What I do know is that there are more of us who make New Year’s resolutions than there are those who keep them. a. 23% of those who make resolutions quit before the end of the first week,
b. 43% quit by the end of January
c. Only 9% (less than 1 out of 10) of Americans who make resolutions complete them.
This morning as we contemplate the new year which is before us, I would like you to consider something which the apostle Paul wrote to the church in the ancient city of Philippi. If there ever was a New Year’s resolution in Scripture, this would have been it. As we examine Paul’s statement concerning his past and future, I believe we will find much here to benefit us in our growth in 2024 as God’s chosen people.