A Place To Run To
All of us have experienced this from one side or the other. On one side, we perhaps can each remember a time when . . .
a. We skinned a knee or elbow through some mishap (i.e., bicycle wreck, skateboard, tripped on the sidewalk, etc.).
b. We were hit by some flying object (i.e., ball, bat, rock, etc.).
c. We felt threatened by someone (i.e., a stranger, a bully).
To whom did we go? Mom, Dad, another trusted adult? Why? We felt safe with them. On the other side, you were that adult to whom your child ran when faced with one of these experiences. Why? Again, because your son, daughter or another child felt safe and protected when with you. They knew you would take care of whatever was wrong. We have all seen the toddler who immediately ran and hid behind Mom or Dad when a stranger approached them. That skirt or pant’s leg was a place of refuge. Now, the majority of you are adults. Where do you go when faced with the difficulties of life?