The Power of God’s Word | Waverly Church of Christ The Power of God’s Word | Waverly Church of Christ

The Power of God’s Word
June 11, 2023

The Power of God’s Word

Passage: Psalm 119:9-16
Service Type:

One of God’s invisible attributes which Paul said we clearly see in the world around is His “eternal power.” Consider just three things which reveal this power: wind, water and light. Here in our own community, on October 26, 2019, we saw what straight line winds can do. We have also seen the effects of tornadoes and hurricanes on our neighbors to the north and south of us. This past week our group in El Salvador stood at the Pacific Ocean and witnessed the tremendous power of the waves as they crashed ashore. The Sun which warms the soil and causes plants to grow can also scorch another part of our planet. Perhaps some of you have taken a magnifying glass and focused it rays so as to ignite a piece of paper or a leaf.  Today, as we look forward to this week’s VBS, I would like for you to consider the power of God’s Word,  The word which He speaks His written word which we hold in our hands and seek to communicate to our friends and neighbors.

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