We, humans, like to build physical things. A constructor builds houses, appliances, furniture, and toys. A civil engineer builds bridges, roads, and tunnels. A seamstress builds clothing. A shoemaker builds or repairs shoes. Maybe loosely, a cook or chef builds a meal. We build legal systems that share documents, agreements, policies, and procedures. We draw people together in common purpose through “celebration, ceremony, ritual, and tradition, which help people to remember their values, to appreciate, and to cooperate.” In the church, each believer who lives in the light of Christ is a living stone in the structure of a spiritual house, a royal priest, a chosen person, and a stranger on earth. Are we building the Lord’s church? Are we building up each other? Are we building for us or the Lord? If we are building the Lord’s church, the process begins with us building our lives upon the rock (Matthew 7:24).