We Are People Who Gratefully Serve Our Lord | Waverly Church of Christ We Are People Who Gratefully Serve Our Lord | Waverly Church of Christ

We Are People Who Gratefully Serve Our Lord
March 27, 2022

We Are People Who Gratefully Serve Our Lord

Passage: Romans 6:16-18
Service Type:

I would like for us to look that the overarching responsibility which God has given to us. In order to introduce this responsibility, I need to direct your attention to something which Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome. Paul’s point is this — we are all obedient slaves, either slaves of sin or slaves of righteousness. Prior to our obedience to Christ, we were “slaves of sin.” However, when, as Paul put it, we “became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which [we] were committed” we were “freed from sin” and became “slaves of righteousness.” Tonight, I would like for us to look at the nature of our calling, what it involves and those things which hinder it.

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