What Will You Do With Jesus?
Recently, in our Wednesday evening Bible study, we have looked that the question, “Who is Jesus?” Today, I would like for us to examine a somewhat different question, but one equally important. It is found on the lips of a first century Roman procurator named Pilate who is responsible to maintain peace in the region of Judea. His assignment is a thankless one, and one which has already gotten him in trouble with the Roman emperor, Tiberius (14-37 A.D.). On this occasion a particular Jew is brought to him by the ruling body of the Jews known as the Sanhedrin, a group composed of the chief priests and the elders. His name is Jesus, and they want Him executed, but Pilate is the one who must give the orders. As the events play out, Pilate asked them a question, “what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22).