Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All | Waverly Church of Christ Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All | Waverly Church of Christ

Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All
November 28, 2021

Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All

Passage: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:13-18
Service Type:

What is it about the Christian life which makes it worth living?  Why do Christians, the world over, choose to suffer for their faith at the hands of those who intend them harm? Why do Christians make sacrifices for the sake of others day in and day out? Why do we as Christians continue to do good to our fellow man, even when it may not seem to be appreciated? If these are questions you have asked yourself in your walk with Christ, please know that you are not alone. In this lesson, I hope to encourage each of you to keep living the life which God has called you to live. And to keep pressing on “toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).

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