Count Your Blessings | Waverly Church of Christ Count Your Blessings | Waverly Church of Christ

November 27, 2016

Count Your Blessings

Passage: Psalm 103:1-5
Service Type:

Today, I want to encourage you to remember all that God has done for you, to

a. Count your many blessings

b. Name them one by one

The blessings we often think of are things like . . .

a. Good health

b. Family and friends

c. Gainful employment

d. A roof over my head

e. Food on the table

For those of us who are Christians this morning, there are spiritual blessings bestowed on us which we may not often think of but which I would like for you to consider this morning.

For those today who are not Christians, I would like for you to consider these blessings, because they too can be yours if you choose to be in Christ.

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