David Strengthened Himself In The Lord His God | Waverly Church of Christ David Strengthened Himself In The Lord His God | Waverly Church of Christ

April 27, 2014

David Strengthened Himself In The Lord His God

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What's the first thing you do in time of trouble? Everybody has problems from time to time, but not everyone tries to solve their problems in the same way. What is the best way? One person in the Bible who had more than his share of trouble was the man we know as David who later became king of Israel.

Let us learn from one experienced in dealing with problems (David). In times of trouble, look to the Lord for your strength! Trust in the Lord, and be steadfast in praising Him and praying to Him. Don't forsake Him, nor forsake the assembly of the saints in which we draw near to Him. Let what David said of himself be true to us as well. "My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." (Psalm 63:8)

Remember that those who trust in God will find strength, deliverance, and true happiness! Do you trust in the Lord? Or in your own strength? Let the Lord be your deliverance!

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