I Am A Sheep and They Are My Shepherds | Waverly Church of Christ I Am A Sheep and They Are My Shepherds | Waverly Church of Christ

March 2, 2014

I Am A Sheep and They Are My Shepherds

Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-5
Service Type:

There is a hymn which our youth often sing a various youth functions, "I Am A Sheep". If you are a Christian today they you enjoy this special privilege, God is Your shepherd and He is watching over your soul. But God's watching over us is done through "undershepherds", men called elders Whose responsibility it is watch over our souls to help us guard them from the evil one. Peter writes to elders and to us as well speaking to both of us about our responsibilities toward one another.

When elders humble themselves before God they shepherd the church not out of compulsion, or from greed or out of a desire for power, but seeking to serve the living God who has purchased them to be His own. When Christians humble themselves, they submit themselves to the authority of their shepherds, ultimately bringing honor and glory to the Chief Shepherd. May each of us so live and serve in this family of God that we do all to the glory of God.

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