In The Beginning, God | Waverly Church of Christ In The Beginning, God | Waverly Church of Christ

January 12, 2014

In The Beginning, God

Passage: Genesis 1:1
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Many of us have a book with the words "Holy Bible" as the title in our homes. It is a book with divine strengths. God breathed it. It is set apart from other books because no other book contains the credentials that many authors have written about Gods Love and redeeming acts. Nor have other books weathered the test of time. The word bible is very simple. It means "book". There are many translations and transcriptions that are given to us in terms that we can understand. It's message is a message that is approved by God.

The beginning book is Genesis. Which is our lesson for this time. What we want to focus on are the two themes that stand out. First, that we live in a personal universe. A universe that we were created to be different from any of all created beings that God created. A personal God that is a source of everything within this universe. Secondly, that we live in a purposive universe. This universe has a purpose. God has established a purpose, a divine plan. When you pick up the book you find that these two themes have been carefully designed by Him.

"For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: "I am the Lord, and there is no other." Isaiah 45:18
God is concerned with you. He wants you to know Him the way that He knows you.

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