The Light of the World | Waverly Church of Christ The Light of the World | Waverly Church of Christ

July 28, 2013

The Light of the World

Passage: John 8:12-20
Service Type:

Light plays an important role throughout the Scriptures. The first thing that God created was light. (Genesis 1:3) Following the flood, as a reminder of the convenant which God made with man and all creation to never again destroy living creatures with a flood, He set a rainbow in the sky (Genesis 9:11-17) - Rainbows require light. Throughout Israel's 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, God kept a vigil over them with a cloud of day and fire(light) by night (Exodus 40:38).

The light of the World calls you to follow Him. He calls you into God's marvelous light, promising to forgive our sins and give us an inheritance among the saints. He calls you to walk as children of light, imitating our Lord every step of the way.

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