Women of God | Waverly Church of Christ Women of God | Waverly Church of Christ

Women of God
May 12, 2024

Women of God

Passage: Philippians 4:8-9
Service Type:

There are a host of emotions which accompany this day, many of which are not up-lifting. Here is what I mean: a. Somewhere, there may be a couple sitting in a service just like ours, but instead of joy, their hearts are filled with sorrow because they recently lost a child to miscarriage. b. There may be a woman among us today who has been told she is unable to have children. c. There may be a son or daughter whose mother has recently died. d. In some congregation, maybe here, there is a woman who wants to be married, but is not. She is questioning whether she will ever be a mother. e. Somewhere, there is a son or daughter who had an abusive mother. f. We must not forget the woman, who, at a very young age, gave her child up for adoption. How does this day affect her?  With all of this in mind, I would like to go in a little different direction.  I would like for us to consider some of the women we find in God’s Word. Some were mothers, but not all. More importantly, they were servants of  God. There are traits in each of them I would like to encourage the women here today to emulate. Not only will these bless your life, they will bless the lives of those around you.

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