Withstanding the Storms of Life | Waverly Church of Christ Withstanding the Storms of Life | Waverly Church of Christ

February 19, 2017

Withstanding the Storms of Life

Passage: Matthew 7:24-27
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ23TYckpok?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

Many in this community have vivid memories of May 1-2, 2010 when according to the National Weather Service 13.57 inches of rain was measured during a 36- hour period.

The combined two-day rainfall total doubled the previous 48-hour rainfall record in Nashville.

Nearly 11,000 properties were damaged or destroyed in the flood, and 10,000 people were displaced from their homes. 1

Many of our friends and neighbors were affected here in our own community as the various creeks and rivers overflowed their banks.

I find it interesting that Jesus, following his Sermon on the Mount, compared the responses of those listening that day to two men who built houses which were later subjected to “rain, floods and winds” (Matthew 7:25, 27).

In the parables which both Matthew and Luke record, each person builds a house with perhaps no visible, outward differences between them.

Each experiences the identical storm or flood, but one house stands while the other falls.

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