Why Only At Christmas? | Waverly Church of Christ Why Only At Christmas? | Waverly Church of Christ

December 24, 2017

Why Only At Christmas?

Passage: Luke 6:31-36
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NhAHQxTBvM?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

How you ever noticed how at Christmas things are supposed to change for the better?

What I mean by that is that people are to be more . . .
a. Loving
b. Giving
c. Forgiving
d. Helpful
e. Thoughtful

There is a greater focus on family togetherness and beautiful music which praises our God for His abundant grace.

Several programs I have watched over the last few weeks call it “the miracle of

But, why is it that such attitudes seem to be reserved and even emphasized
only at this time of the year?

It is true that the birth of Jesus was the coming of God in human form to live
among men.

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