Why I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus | Waverly Church of Christ Why I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus | Waverly Church of Christ

March 31, 2013

Why I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus

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An essential element of the Christian's faith is the resurrection of Jesus. That Jesus' body arose from the dead three days after His crucifixion. Why is faith in Jesus' resurrection essential? If Jesus did not rise from the dead our faith is empty. We would still be in our sins and those who died in Christ have perished.

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, there is only alternative. The witnesses were liars and deceivers. Even Paul freely admits this is the only alternative. It is reasonable to believe they purposefully propagated a lie? Too many people attested to the same fact. They were not the kind of people to fabricate falsehood. They lived noble lives, and were all willing to suffer and die for their testimony!

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