Why Don’t We Do What He Did? | Waverly Church of Christ Why Don’t We Do What He Did? | Waverly Church of Christ

February 21, 2016

Why Don’t We Do What He Did?

Passage: Mark 1:9-11
Service Type:

There are certain events which are embedded within our minds — we vividly remember them because of their importance to us. a.) Our high school or college graduation. b.) A championship game. c.) Our wedding or the birth(s) of our children. d.) The day we moved into our first apartment or house. There is another event which stands out in the minds of those of us who are Christians — our baptism.

The question I would like for you to consider with me this morning is this, “Why would anyone who professes to be a believer in Jesus Christ not be baptized?” Why don’t we do what He did?

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