Whose Footprints Do You See? | Waverly Church of Christ Whose Footprints Do You See? | Waverly Church of Christ

August 26, 2018

Whose Footprints Do You See?

Passage: Colossians 2:6-7
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjgK3OnDCtA?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

If we are to walk in Christ, our whole lives must be lived in an awareness of His presence.

Paul paints two pictures for us of how this is evident in our lives.

The first is of a tree with its roots firmly planted in good soil.

Just as this tree is deep-rooted in fertile soil and draws its nourishment from it, even so, you and I as Christians are rooted in Christ, the source of our life and strength.

The second picture which Paul paints for us is that of a house built on strong foundations.

This house is able to stand in the fiercest storms because of its foundations.

At the end of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus compared all those who heard His words and acted upon them to “a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24).

You and I are “living stones” and according to the apostle Peter, we “are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood” (1 Peter 2:5a).

God is continually changing our lives as He molds us and makes us after His will.

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