Who Is This Man? | Waverly Church of Christ Who Is This Man? | Waverly Church of Christ

April 17, 2016

Who Is This Man?

Passage: Mark 4:35-41
Service Type:

It was the end of a long day. It had begun with blasphemous accusations of the Pharisees that Jesus was controlled by Beelzebub. Finally, with the approach of evening He told the disciples to go across to the other side of the sea. "There arose a fierce gale of wind." (Mark 4:37)...

Did Jesus know they would encounter a storm of this magnitude before they reached the other side? I believe He knew the storm would strike them.

It is in the storms of life that our faith is tested. And we can grow spiritually. The storms teach us about God and His power in our lives. Storms are part of the process of spiritual growth.

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