What Is God’s Desire for His Temple? | Waverly Church of Christ What Is God’s Desire for His Temple? | Waverly Church of Christ

September 25, 2016

What Is God’s Desire for His Temple?

Passage: Mark 11:15-18
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOUQ4Pd8rZs?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

Go with me back in time this morning almost 2,000 years to A.D. 30:

a. It is Monday of Passover week, the feast commemorating the night that God passed over the houses of those Israelites in Egyptian captivity who had obeyed the command of God.

b. All male Jews have come to Jerusalem in fulfillment of the Law of Moses to celebrate Passover.

You, however, are a Gentile — you are not a Jew. You have heard about this week and you want to see it for yourself. The Temple Mount, you have been told, is one of the most beautiful sites in the world. And the God of the Jews is not like any other god in the world.

Try as you might to find a quiet place to worship, there is none:

a. No place to kneel and pray.

b. Certainly no meditate upon the God of heaven to whom this place is dedicated.

This is what Jesus found when He and His disciples entered the Court of the Gentiles on that Monday of Passover week.

It is what He did and what He said that I want us to consider this morning.

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