We Are People Who Are Protected By God’s Power
“Put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes [tactics] of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). We are participants in a great spiritual battle which has been going on, almost since the beginning of time. As we consider again the significance of our lives as Christians, I would like for us to examine another aspect of our faith, that we are protected by this power of God. Let us never forget this.
Becoming a Christian, Being the Hands of Jesus, Community, Full Armour Of God, God Of Peace, Growing In Faith, Holy Even As He Is Holy, Jesus Christ, Obedience To The Gospel, Our Responsibility, Pray Without Ceasing, Remain Faithful, Sanctification, Sanctified Christian, Spiritual Men, Spiritual Women, Strengthen Your Faith, Study God's Word, The Helper, The Work of the Church, Walk By Faith Not By Sight, We Are Working Together with God, Working For God