Unlikely Hero | Waverly Church of Christ Unlikely Hero | Waverly Church of Christ

May 6, 2018

Unlikely Hero

Passage: Joshua 2:8-11
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mjYFGhP0f0?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

The Word of God does travel to the most unlikely places. Scripture speaks about a person that was a prostitute named Rahab. She had heard of God when the spies from the people of Israel who were wandering the wilderness came to her for assistance. Because of her limited knowledge of the who God is, she chose to help the spies hide thus saving her and her families' lives. 

We can see how God's Word influences us today even in unlikely situations such as a jail in Mexico City.  A small piece of literature explaining who Christ is and how He loves us ends up in the hands of a person in the Mexican Mafia many years after he has committed many crimes for the mafia. He read this weathered and torn book that haphazardly ended up on the floor of the jail where he was about to end his life. This literature that was written by translators, that were volunteering their time to make, that were using funds donated by churches like yours and ours to help spread the Word of God and the Good News of Christ. 

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