Mothers | Waverly Church of Christ Mothers | Waverly Church of Christ

Women of God

May 12, 2024
There are a host of emotions which accompany this day, many of which are not up-lifting. Here is what I mean: a. Somewhere, there may be a couple sitting in…
This morning, I want those of you who are mothers and the rest of us who have mothers to recognize this most important fact. Mothers, You Are A Special Part…
We all want our children to become faithful servants of God as they mature. What values are you working to instill within your children? Are they learning to love God and to devote their lives to Him in faithful service? You cannot lead where you have not gone. If you aren’t a Christian, make the decision today to submit you life to Jesus.

Honoring Our Parents

June 6, 2021
We all have parents. Some of our parents have passed away, some of our parents are still with us today. The fact is, we all have parents. Without parents, none…
“The future of society is in the hands of the mothers.” (de Beaufort) “Men may build cities and railroads; they span rivers and tunnel mountains. But the mothers of men are the builders of civilization.” (C.A. Stewart) “Mothers write on the hearts of their children what the world’s rough hand cannot erase.” (Anonymous