Many of the sermons that we as preachers preach to the congregations before us are usually for the purpose of exhortation or correction. But there are also times when it…
In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul lists for us that which he calls the “works” or “deeds of the flesh.” He tells us that those who practice such things will not inherit…
Do you know where you are going in life? Whether we do or do not, we will arrive! Some choose a destination, plot out a course, and arrive where they…
Why would we commit to Christ? Everyone wants salvation, but not everyone will make Christ Lord. Please give this question serious thought; will you commit…to Christ…for a new life that will be eternal? The choice is yours to make. God will honor your choice.
People do not grow grape vines for their looks. They grow them for the fruit they produce, and the more they produce the better. Jesus uses the analogy of grape…