To Whom Is Compassion Shown | Waverly Church of Christ To Whom Is Compassion Shown | Waverly Church of Christ

To Whom Is Compassion Shown
April 25, 2021

To Whom Is Compassion Shown

Passage: Exodus 33:19
Service Type:

To whom do we typically show compassion? Would it not be those to whom we have an emotional connection or an intellectual intent? People who are close to us, family, friends, or fellow workers are shown compassion. The fatherless and orphans usually are shown compassion. The sick, the spiritually sick, and strangers often receive compassion. The Hebrew word most often translated “pity” seems close in meaning to the English word “empathy.” Empathy means the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Sympathizing with or having compassion for someone or something is the basis of these words. God is compassionate; he lives and acts according to who He is. In his sovereignty (supreme power or authority) and divine wisdom, God will show compassion.

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