The Power of God in the Life of Man | Waverly Church of Christ The Power of God in the Life of Man | Waverly Church of Christ

The Power of God in the Life of Man
May 16, 2021

The Power of God in the Life of Man

Passage: Philipians 4:13
Service Type:

This is the power of God - the power that overcame that of the sting of death; having raised Jesus from the dead. It is the one and only power that creates, provides, forgives, heals, redeems, liberates, saves, provides, maintains, protects, cares for - and loves beyond every human measure! This is the power of God - the power that elevates man to a new life and in fact in the realm reality of eternity. This is the power of God - the power instilled in our hearts to put aside our fears, our doubts, and our prejudice

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