The Humbling of Edom | Waverly Church of Christ The Humbling of Edom | Waverly Church of Christ

December 28, 2014

The Humbling of Edom

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With only 21 verses, Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. Obadiah's message is a powerful message of the justice of God, one which demanded vengeance of Edom. While Obadiah prophesied almost 2,600 years ago, the lessons we find in his words are just as fresh as today's rain. It is important to remember; God rules over His world and our lives are in His hands. Pride will lead us away from Him and convince us that we do not need Him, a lie which
will cost us our souls. We will reap what we sow, if we sow to the flesh, we plant the seeds of our own destruction, but if we sow to the spirit, we will real life everlasting. God's desire is that we be saved and He has made this possible through His own Son, Jesus Christ.

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