The Family Shepherd | Waverly Church of Christ The Family Shepherd | Waverly Church of Christ

June 17, 2018

The Family Shepherd

Passage: John 10:1-18
Service Type:

Men, if you or I truly want to lead our families spiritually, we must first be converted to Christ in our own heart and mind. Simple church attendance or an outward show of religion on our part will not bring our children into the eternal home of the righteous. There is nothing which will turn our children away from the faith more effectively than hypocrisy on our part.

We must seek to lead our children through the same door of salvation that we have entered. The man who seeks to lead his children to Christ is sensitive to sin in his own life and demonstrates to turn from it as he seeks to follow Christ.

He is a man who is not ashamed to confess Christ as Lord of his life and surrender all to Him. He has willingly put Christ on in baptism and now stands before his family as someone whose heart God has changed. Your children will now see you and your wife genuinely praying for their conversion and faithfulness to Christ.

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