The Debt We Will Continue to Owe Until We Die | Waverly Church of Christ The Debt We Will Continue to Owe Until We Die | Waverly Church of Christ

December 20, 2015

The Debt We Will Continue to Owe Until We Die

Passage: Romans 13:8-10
Service Type:

Are you in debt? House, car, medical bills, credit card(s), taxes? Do you have a debt that you will be paying until the day you die? Paul says that we do. It is the debt to love our fellow man — agape. At the last supper in the upper room Jesus told his disciples that love is the distinguishing mark of those who follow Him (John 13:34-35).

As many of us already know, paying off debts is hard work — it requires discipline and self-denial if you are to reach your goal. The same is true of the debt of love, except that you will never get it paid off.

Are you making the effort to sacrifice your own comfort and convenience to meet the highest good of others?

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