Solomon: A Devoted King Derailed by Compromise | Waverly Church of Christ Solomon: A Devoted King Derailed by Compromise | Waverly Church of Christ

March 10, 2019

Solomon: A Devoted King Derailed by Compromise

Passage: 1 Kings 3:9
Service Type:

Years ago, the American poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, wrote "For all sad words of toungue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'"

Had Solomon listened to and obeyed the Lord, his legacy could have ended so well. Israel could truly have been a light to the nations, showing others the extent to which God blessed His people.

His disobedience ultimately ended in the demise of the kingdom he had worked so hard to build.

May we learn from his life that it is not how we start in life that matters, but where we finish.

May God grant us the faith and fortitude to finish life well having lived it to the fullest in His service.

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