Are you in debt? House, car, medical bills, credit card(s), taxes? Do you have a debt that you will be paying until the day you die? Paul says that we…
There are many people in the world today who have dual citizenship: a.) They are regarded as a citizen of more than one state at the same time (e.g., our…
Every once and a while there are things in our lives which turn our lives around. This past Thursday morning was one of those times in my life. The results…
The ancient Persians invented Crucifixion c.500-400 B.C. It seems that Alexander the Great introduced the practice in Egypt and Although the Romans did not invent crucifixion, they perfected it as…
Those of you who are Christians this morning were lost, but God sought you out, redeemed you and has prepared a place for you in His presence. More importantly, there…
For the last 54 years of my life, I have grown up in a country where I have been protected from the atrocities that many in other parts of the…
The call to each of us to become a follower of Jesus Christ is a call to become a different person. Earlier in this letter, Romans 6:4, Paul reminds us…
The message which the apostle Peter shares with us this morning in 1 Peter 4:7-11 is about perspective. He is urging them to look at their lives through the proper…
The title of this lesson today is, “Father, help me to be more like your Son.” Paul exhorts us to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus. If we are…
What would make a congregation of God’s people, His spiritual family attractive to you? This morning, as we continue our series on serving within the body of Christ, I want…