Sunday Morning | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 41 Sunday Morning | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 41

Living As Dual Citizens

December 13, 2015
There are many people in the world today who have dual citizenship: a.) They are regarded as a citizen of more than one state at the same time (e.g., our…
Those of you who are Christians this morning were lost, but God sought you out, redeemed you and has prepared a place for you in His presence. More importantly, there…

Over Come Evil With Good

November 15, 2015
For the last 54 years of my life, I have grown up in a country where I have been protected from the atrocities that many in other parts of the…

Living Peaceable Lives

November 8, 2015
The call to each of us to become a follower of Jesus Christ is a call to become a different person. Earlier in this letter, Romans 6:4, Paul reminds us…