Sunday Morning | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 40 Sunday Morning | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 40

Triumphing Over Temptation

February 28, 2016
This morning, as we examine these three temptations which Satan uses against Jesus, there are two things to notice about each temptation: a. What is at the heart of each…
There are certain events which are embedded within our minds — we vividly remember them because of their importance to us. a.) Our high school or college graduation. b.) A…

There Is No Better News!

February 14, 2016
All of us at one time or another have had good news which we just had to share with someone. We just couldn’t keep quite. We told our best friends,…

Accept One Another

January 17, 2016
Time and again we see in God's Word just how much He desires unity among His people (Psalm 133:1-3; John 17:20,21). Too often, however, there are things which interfere with…


January 3, 2016
The author of Hebrews compares our Christian journey in this life as a race and, in fact it is a lifelong, grueling race. a.) In this race, we are not…