Sunday Morning | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 39 Sunday Morning | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 39

Unbelief robs the church of its power! Preaching has no effect in a church where unbelief reigns. We can add programs and activities until there aren't enough hours in the…

Cleansed and Made Whole

April 24, 2016
Throughout our Lord's ministry he often cast demons, but there was no such display as the account of the Gerasene demoniac. It has been dismissed by some as a psychological…

Who Is This Man?

April 17, 2016
It was the end of a long day. It had begun with blasphemous accusations of the Pharisees that Jesus was controlled by Beelzebub. Finally, with the approach of evening He…
Sunday is a special day. But Why? Let us examine one of many encounters which Jesus had with religious people of His day over the perceived abuse by His disciples…

Competing Faiths

March 27, 2016
You have read and heard the account in which four men struggled to carry a pallet on which lay a paralytic man. We know what happened, but let's focus upon…

I Need Thee Every Hour

March 20, 2016
For those of us who are Christians prayer is a powerful tool in our arsenal as we fight the daily battle against Satan and his host. We must not only…
Have you ever thought about what you expect to happen when you walk into a service here? Three songs, Bible reading, prayer, song, sermon, invitation song, Lord’s Supper, collection, concluding…
I don’t think you can read the first four books of the New Testament, what we call the Gospels, and not be intrigued by people’s response to Jesus. In our…