There are different degrees of doubt used by the master of deception. One is that of the proud skeptic who seeks to upset the faith of those who are weak.…
William Paton Mackay was only 24 years old when he wrote one of our most beloved hymns in 1863. Over the years it has been known by at least three…
The first preachers did not go throughout the world proclaiming some elaborate, artificial system of doctrines to difficult to understand. Nor did they declare a religious philosophy based on the…
As Paul concludes His letter to the young congregation in Thessalonica, he addresses this very thing. What should the Christians there believe and how were they to determine those things?…
The church at Thessalonica was undergoing severe hardship because of their faith in Christ. Paul had been forced to leave the city shortly after preaching the gospel there and welcoming…
Last week we began to look at how Paul calls us to live together as God’s family. Specifically, we examined the way we are to respond to those who lead us,…
Living together as a family is not always easy is it? No doubt there are some of us, perhaps more than we care to admit, who entered into marriage with…
How often do you think about Christ’s return? Not just a mental acknowledgment that it will take place. But a serious contemplation of all that it means in your life.…
There’s a line that’s been drawn thru the ages, on that line stands the old rugged cross; On that cross a battle is raging, for the gain of man’s soul…
Please bear with me as I introduce this morning’s lesson. While it may have a depressing beginning, I promise the ending is much more uplifting. Most, if not all of…