This Thanksgiving many of us will gather with family and friends around a table and enjoy sweet fellowship and a great meal. Prior to that meal we will bow our…
We live in a world of choices. We choose . . . a. What time we will get up, what we will eat for breakfast, or even if we will…
Every once and a while we talk about a preacher stepping on our toes. The preacher to whom we are introduced in our reading today was sent by God to…
Paul said that Jesus “knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21), and Hebrews 4:15 tells us that “in every respect” he was “tempted as we are, yet without sin.” What did…
What would you say that you need most in your life right now? Notice I did not ask what do you want in your life right now? There is a…
Over the last ten years the movie industry has inundated us with movies about the various super heroes which first made their appearance in either the Marvel or the DC…
Sometimes there are things about which you just can’t keep quiet — you have to tell someone. That was true all those years ago when Zecharias was allowed to speak…
How is your marriage to Christ? The decision to be baptized into Christ is the greatest decision you will ever make. The understanding that your marriage to Him is more…
As Christians, you and I have a host of reasons to sing God’s praises. Mary offers this hymn of praise to the Lord following Elizabeth’s words of blessing to her…
Jesus loved to eat with sinners. He ate with disciples. He ate with friends. He ate with tax collectors. He ate with Pharisees. In the days of Jesus there were…